Have you ever try the online payment services to settle your bills? Just sit in front of your PC, log in to the internet and start paying your bills by a few clicks on your mouse. It is flexible and convinent, since you need to rush to several places to settle diffent kinda assesment fees. U can save your time and fuel by using secure online payment nowadays, if you have subcribe to your bank online payment services or u have a credit crad that enable u to do so.
Myself have been using the online payment services for quite a while, and i'm quite happy with this service. However, recently i found that online payment service is isn't that good i think of. When we using the online payment services like Maybank2u.com or credit card online payment from whatever bank, the credit or amount that u pay is actually immediate deducted from your account once u complete the online payment. However, the payment is only consider made after 1-2 working days :(
For example, last week i found that i forgot to pay my Celcom Broadband bill for 2 months already. I quickly use one of my credit card to make my full 2-month payment on 1st of Sept (holiday). I expect the payment should go through on 2nd of Sept, and my line should be safe. I can still use my line on 2nd Sept, but unfortunately not on 3rd of Sept.
I called the customer service center on 4th of sept and asking why my line have been suspend. They told me that they only received my payment on 3rd sept evening. They also explain to me that if i'm going to use online payment, is better that i make it 4-5working days before the payment due date to be safe. If i know this any ealier, it's better for me to straightly pay my bill at the celcom centre on 2nd sept to avoid all this inccident.
However, i have cut my Celcom Broadband line immediately after i talked to the Celcom customeer service centre. Want to know why? this is the answer. Although i have already pay the full due amount of my bill, but for me to have my line back immediately, i need to pay another RM98 montly charges which only due on 16th of Sept. In fact, i have already made my payment before my line been cut off, it just that Celcom didn't receive it due to banking procedure. Besides, i'm suppose to have my freedom to pay my current charges bill on any day before the due date.
If they want me to pay my current charges (which is not due) immediately, i'm rather wanna terminate the Celcom service. If they can't even provide me with a bit customer service, then, that's it, i have terminate my Celcom Broadband. There are still a lot of good wireless broadband choices outside, which can give me good package and free modem. ^_^
Monday, September 8, 2008
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