Wednesday, May 30, 2007
Window Pocket PC vs Palm OS
Most of the freeware i downloaded are in .prc format and cannot be installed. Then only i realized that my O2 is actually running on Window Mobile 5.0. Well, i think i knew it but never realized that it is different from Palm OS. I need to look for files in .cab format or installer for window pocket PC for my O2. A bit stupid -_- but never too late to learn new things ^^
Would like to share a few websites that have freeware and nice games for pocket PC.
PS: I have also tried on the new Microsoft ActiveSync 4.5. The syncronization process is faster. If you would like to try on it, can download it from Microsoft website.
Monday, May 7, 2007
Where to get the local GPS maps wor?!
However, when i purchased my first GPS receiver (HOLUX brand, a simple one)... I just found out that, i actually need a sophisticated local digital map for the GPS receiver, and also a navigation software for it to work as a navigation tool. Without a valid digital map, and navigation software, i just can only see my own location in Longitude & Latitude. In fact, THE MAP IS REAL EXPENSIVE!!! Only then i know... GPS receiver is just a tool that can tell your own location accurately >_< (But, i still can cope to find some free GPS maps online)
Recently, i tried on the new launch N95, which have built-in GPS receiver, it comes with Singapore and Klang Valley maps (smart2go Nokia maps). Map is free, but need to pay extra for the navigation function (-_-!!). Hmm, just have a feel on it at the shop, never test it on the road, so cannot comment on the accuracy (++ It is still at the cost of RM3000 ++ VERY EXPENSIVE!!) . In fact, I think it is quite difficult to get other free digital GPS maps that work on Symbian OS.
Saturday, May 5, 2007
Virus arrrrr!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
(Pls dun ask me where i get the virus -_-!! i din't surf the porno website... k? >_<) OMG!! I have scanned my laptop for thousand and million of time and i can't get all the virus kill. After each scan, the will be some new familiy member: Trojan Horse in my AVG's virus vault!
These are the symptoms
1. Everytime, when i wanna shut down my laptop, it will turn into blue screen.
2. When i restart my laptop there will always be a runtime error warning...
3. When i check in my Window Task Manager, there is a lots of "isignup.exe" processes which occupied up my CPU usage.
However, after some hardworks, i finally get it kill.
1. I scanned my laptop using AVG, Panda Online Active Scan, SUPERAntiSpyware, DrWeb-CureIt, and ComboFix I just have been told that one antivirus software can't kill all the virus... -_-!!
2. Then, kill the isignup thing by
a. Delete the ShellExecuteHooks event:
b. Restart my laptop
d. Delete the Virus Registry:
Finally, my laptop back to normal and i need not to format my laptop. Well, i am actually, i getting guidelines and helps from the Geekstogo forum. Quite a lot of expert there which is kind to offer their help. They also introduce quite a lot of useful and free antivirus/antispyware software.
Wednesday, May 2, 2007
Sketchup A Nice 3D Software
Recently, i have tried on the Google Sketch-Up, and i came up with a 3D drawing which displayed above. Well, it is a stage design, that i tried to propose to my boss. I'm not a graphic designer, and I know it is actually not sophisticated -_- However, what i wanna mentioned here is, i just took about 15 minutes to learn the software and another 10 minutes to draw. It is much more easy compare to Photoshop.
Free version can be downloaded at There are a lots of tutorial and Plug-in for this software. The one which is quite useful to me is the "Sketchup for Film & Stage".
PS: If you have any other 3D drawing software which is easy to learn and use (hope that it is free -_-!!), please drop me a comment and recommend it to me. Thank you very much!